ADRA, The Academy For Continuing Education, Career and Professional Development

The Alternative Dispute Resolution Academy congratulates and recognizes, Workplace Mediation Certificate Course, Cohort 1903 as graduates.

The Alternative Dispute Resolution Academy congratulates and recognizes, Workplace Mediation Certificate Course, Cohort 1903 as graduates

The Alternative Dispute Resolution Academy congratulates and recognizes, Workplace Mediation Certificate Course, Cohort 1903 as graduates. The group was engaged and took advantage of every bit of the training. “Go, team, Go” You have what it takes to resolve workplace disputes.

A special thanks to the Federal Asian Pacific American Council (FAPAC) fand Veracity Engineering for organizing and hosting this successful training event.

A special thanks to Judge Brown, an Administrative Judge with the Equal opportunity Commission (DC), who’s presentation and presence was an encouragement to be an advocate for mediation in the workplace.

We also thank Maria Rivero with the office of mediation at the International Development Bank (IDB) who shared insight on cultural diversity and formal and informal dispute resolution.

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